J  O  H  A  N  N  E  S      H  Ã˜  I  E
Scroll down for work and information.

Upcoming exhibitions : 

«The City And The Sun»
Exhibition with Shwan Dler Qaradaki, Lars Sandås and Johannes Høie.
at Østfold Art Centre in Fredrikstad
Opening 20th of January, 2024.


                                                            "Arc #2" , Freehand-drawn inkpainting. 5 x 15 meters.                                                                   
                                                                                Photo: Gunhild Mjaugeto                                                                              

                                                                                               Photo: Susanne Grina Lange                                                                                                     

"Myriader" Johannes Høie & Louis Moe at Telemark Kunstmuseum. Notodden, 2022.
Freehand-drawn site-spesific temporary wallpaintings, and drawings on silk and paper.

                                                                                               Photo: Øystein Thorvaldsen                                                                                                      

"Akephalos", Solo exhibition at Tegnerforbundet in Oslo, 2021. 

Freehand-drawn site-spesific temporary wallpaintings, and drawings on silk and paper.


"Monuments Of Drift", Solo exhibition at Andror in Oslo, 2020.

Video documentation:

"LIMBO" in collaboration with Filippa Barkman, at Kunsthall Grenland, Porsgrunn. 2014.
Site-specific wallpainting, drawings, sculpture and installation.

Review here (in Norwegian)

"Triptykon, Left and Rigth Panel" 2013/14
Ink on paper.

"Triptykon, Mid Panel" 2020-21
Ink and watercolour on paper.

"Triptykon (Left Panel)" Ink on paper 2013.

"Triptykon (Left Panel)" detail

"Triptykon (Left Panel)" detail

"Masse" Ink on paper.

"Natteferd" Ink on paper 2013.

"Heimat" Ink on paper 2013.

"Devouring The Sun", at Galleri Maria Veie, Oslo. 2013.
Site-specific wallpainting, drawings, objects and installation.

"DISINTEGRATION", at Galleri Maria Veie, Oslo. 2009.
Site-specific wallpainting, drawings and installation.

"Flesh Frieze (Several Titles", Tegnebiennalen/Drawing Bienniale, Tegnerforbundet 2012.

"Floodland IV" Kunstnernes Hus, Oslo 2008.

#lion panarama

deludo IIveggveggtegning

 The book BLACK HEARTS DAWNING available on Liminious Feror









Contact: johanneshoie@gmail.com (+47) 414 04 362
